Extraoral and other orthodontic appliances
Extraoral appliance
Last Updated: December 12, 2024YY
Written By Dr. Yoana Yonkova
Lecturer in Updent.
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![Dimitar Kosturkov](https://inspiredentalacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Kosturkov_profile-py5bohyiwclh4952pc4q20wjwww4qdfibppw1izp6k.png)
Dr. Dimitar Kosturkov
Specialist in Endodontics, Digital Dentistry, and International Lecturer in Updent.
![Todor Uzunov](https://assets.medentic.app/assets2/images/pages/about-us/uzunov.jpg)
Prof. Todor Uzunov
Lecturer in Updent.
Dr. Yoana Yonkova
Lecturer in Updent.
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